
Charged EVs | comemso announces MCS-ready EVSE/EV test platform

comemso, a provider of high-precision test and measurement solutions for electromobility, has announced the integration of Megawatt Charging System (MCS) capabilities into its EVSE and EV test platform.

The MCS-ready test platform is designed to meet the demands of 1,500 V and up to 1,000 A for high-performance EV charging. The system already supports CCS, NACS, CHAdeMO, GB/T, and AC.

The system features a cooled cable and a scalable design—space is reserved for the upcoming MCS communication core, so the platform is ready to adapt as new protocols and requirements emerge.

Working in partnership with suppliers, comemso has fine-tuned its approach to cooling and cabling for high-current operation in order to provide testing labs and OEMs with flexible solutions that can meet customer-specific requirements.

“Megawatt charging is more than just high power—it requires addressing new sets of challenges, from cooling mechanisms to cable design, and from specialized infrastructure to precise data measurement,” says Dr. Kiriakos Athanasas, CEO at comemso. “Our team has worked closely with suppliers and dedicated intensive workshop sessions to master these complexities, ensuring our solution will deliver reliable results under real-world conditions.”

“This isn’t just a single project—it’s the groundwork for a new era in EV charging, and we’re excited to enable our customers to ride this wave of innovation,” says comemso CCO Anita Athanasas.

Source: comemso electronics

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